
Nexus generates and deploys a GraphQL API from a user’s existing data sources. Data sources can be added, removed, and changed without writing any new code or schemas.

Users can test the generated GraphQL server locally with an integrated graphical interface. This exposes the entire API’s documentation and serves as a playground for making test queries and viewing responses.

Lastly, when the server is ready to deploy, Nexus automates deployment to AWS.

Other Projects

Request Cloud

RequestBin clone for testing and debugging webhooks. Built using React, PM2, Express, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Deployed with Digital Ocean.

Airline Routes

Interactive map that displays and filters airline routes around the world. Built with React, Javascript and Express.


An application that allows users to add, edit and remove their personal contacts. Built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.

Gardener's Journal

Web application that catalogs different types of plants. Built with Ruby, Sinatra, ERB, HTML/CSS

Todo List

An interactive todo list manager to create, edit and delete todos. Built with Node.js, Handlebars, jQuery and Express.

Shopping Cart

An application that allows users to add, edit and remove their personal contacts. Built with Javascript, HTML and CSS.

About Me!

Howdy! I'm Felicia! I was born in the US Virgin Islands, but have called Texas home since I was 2. Growing up, I loved playing outside with friends and my sisters, traveling, exploring, reading books and going to antique stores. Keeping my mind engaged and trying new hobbies is important to me! This includes playing board games, video games, doing arts and crafts such as sewing and crocheting, cooking and writing. I would love to travel the world someday and visit many interesting cities, eat lots of unique foods and stop by some cool antique stores!

On the side, I love creating Youtube videos to help others in their programming journey, by talking about my experiences going to an online software engineering school, and teaching programming concepts and problem-solving approaches. You can check out my Youtube channel here!